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Special Events

To register see event or seminar flyer below for details on how to register.  When registering, please indicate the following:

1.  Are you a member or guest.  Costs for Paint-Ins,  unless otherwise indicated are $15.00 for members and  $22.00 for non-members.  Seminar fees will be announced on event flyers. 

2. Payment method - PayPal or Check.  Would you like to be invoiced thru PayPal or pay by check.  Checks should be made payable to Gypsy Tolers (contact Carol for address to mail checks to).

Note:  Please, when submitting payment by either method above, indicate in your email or memo section of payment which class(es) you are registering for.  Also, should you be including membership, indicate in memo email, it will ensure payment is applied to specific class or membership. 
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