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The Gypsy Tolers Guild was organized in 1979 by a group of dedicated painters.  We began with 64 Charter members and thanks to our past and current presidents and long time members, we have an active and growing guild today. 


Our guild hosts monthly programs and seminars that feature many talented teachers within our own guild as well as teachers from far and wide.  These wonderful teachers bring with them diverse painting techniques and wonderful decorative learning experiences.   


Please join us where you will find a place of learning, sharing the love of art, and fellowship with other decorative painters.  If you live in the Inland Empire in California, we would love to have you join us in person, or if you live outside of the area please join us on Zoom.  


We meet monthly for both a general meeting and monthly paint projects.  We meet on Zoom for members outside of the area and "in-person," at O'Flanary's Emporium in Redlands.  If you happen to reside in the High Desert area, you can also paint along with other members at the Mullins residence where Zoom will be available to follow along.  We meet on the third Thursday of the month for meetings and paint-ins.   Our monthly general meeting is held at 5:45 and our monthly paint-in class will usually begin at 6:00 p.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. 


Membership is $20.00 per year, we would love for you to join us.      





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